Friday, February 28, 2014

Flame painter

Flame painter is probably the coolest painting program i've seen. The browser version is more of a showcase, but still a very interesting one. It uses algorithms to generate fire that looks very cool, and may be helpful to put in a logo or something.

This one I did with blue and purple flames, with hints of green for compliment. I imagine the Ubisoft logo in the center.

There is a downloadable version of flame paint which comes along with several other beautiful drawing algorithms. It costs $30 and is called Amberlight, and though I myself do not intend to purchase it someone more interested in visual still art would likely find it very much worth it.

Go to flame painter here

Monday, February 24, 2014


Avatars are characters, usually cartoons, used to represent a person or personify an idea to put a face to a name. Not only are they useful, they're easy to get, and fun to make. You can play around with them and create something totally weird, which is about all I myself did for the purposes of exploiting variety, something beautiful, or something just normal.

This is Grace the Lio-ho-bush-ark-antula-torto-peacock.
Make one here

This is a Scenie/mermaid/kratos/cleopatra/southpark/metalgear/linux fanboy. A.K.A. Karen.
make one here: South Park Studio

This is Arnie. You can call him Arnie.
Make one here

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Polls everywhere

Polls everywhere is an easy to use polling site to ask simple questions and get simple answers. It's very easy to use, and you can also vote via text which is something I very rarely see in an age which it should be very common.

I can see someone in a business using it to get their employee's input on what they think could be improved for conditions.

Go to Polls everywhere here:
take the poll here by computer
or here by phone

Friday, February 7, 2014

Google Docs/Drive

Google docs is a useful tool for creating documents or drawings, which you can instantly upload to Google Drive, which is another useful tool for sharing files in a way that lets only the people you choose go to your account and access whatever you uploaded from any device.

I'll probably continue to use Drive for the sake of keeping things easily available, and having easy access to something from another computer. Docs, I'll likely use since I can't afford Microsoft office and for other classes I'll probably need to use some sort of word  processing.

See my docs drawing here
Go to Drive here